What you’ll need: AeroPress, Filter, Kettle, Cup or Carafe, Spoon, Digital Scale, Timer
⇒ Boil some water to 93°C
↳ If you don't have control over the water temperature, let your kettle sit for 30s - 1min to allow the water to cool down slightly. Otherwise, the boiling water will burn the ground coffee.
⇒ Place the filter inside the cap and rinse it with a little hot water
↳ This step will avoid the papery taste in your cup of coffee
⇒ Weigh and grind 13.3g of coffee
↳ Your grind setting must be coarser than espresso, but slightly finer than coffee maker
⇒ Insert the ground coffee into your AeroPress (in inverted position) and gently shake it to ensure the coffee bed is flat
⇒ Place your AeroPress on your digital scale and tare it to finish the preparation stage
⇒ Start a timer
⇒ Pour 30ml of water to bloom the coffee bed
↳ This step will allow the coffee to degas (small bubbles will form on the coffee bed)
⇒ At 15s, gently stir the brew with a spoon
⇒ At 30s, add water up to 200ml
⇒ Gently stir the brew a second time
⇒ At 1min, place the cap on your AeroPress
⇒ Still in inverted position, remove the surplus air from your AeroPress
↳ Hold the "body" (or middle part) of the AeroPress and gently push it down until the air stops whistling
↳ If you see water piercing through the filter, that's also a sign to stop
↳ This step should take around 30s
⇒ At 1min 30s, turn your AeroPress over and place it onto your cup or carafe
⇒ Begin the extraction by pressing down on the piston
↳ The extraction should take about 1min for a total brew time of 2min 30s
⇒ You're ready to enjoy your coffee!
Source: cafehubertsaintjean.ca