What you’ll need: French Press, Grinder, Water, Coffee, Carafe or Pitcher, Timer, Digital Scale
⇒ Fill your kettle with water and bring to a boil
↳ A temperature of 94°C is suggested
↳ If you don't have control over the water temperature, let your kettle sit for 30s - 1min to allow the water to cool down slightly. Otherwise, the boiling water will burn the ground coffee.
⇒ Pour some of your boiling water into the brewer
↳ This will heat up your equipment
↳ If the brewer is cold, the thermal shock will influence the taste of your coffee
⇒ Weigh and grind 25g of coffee
⇒ Place the ground coffee in the brewer and shake it gently so that the coffee bed is flat
↳ This ensures an even extraction
⇒ Place the french press onto your scale
↳ Make sure to tare the scale
⇒ Start a timer
⇒ Pour 75ml of water in 10 seconds to bloom the coffee bed
↳ This step allows to saturate the ground coffee and optimizes the extraction
⇒ At 45 seconds, gently pour 275ml of water in a circular motion
↳ Make sure to cover all the ground coffee
↳ If there is still dry coffee on top, use a large spoon to gently push it down into the water
⇒ Place the plunger on top of the coffee bed without touching it
⇒ At 4min, slowly push the plunger down to the bottom
⇒ Pour all the brewed coffee into a carafe or pitcher
↳ If you let the extra brewed coffee sit in the French Press, it will continue to extract and its taste will worse
⇒ Swirl the brewed coffee in your carafe and enjoy a delicious cup of coffee
Source: tunnelespressobar.ca