Santa Lucia

Minas Gerais is a state in Southeastern Brazil who's total land area is larger than Metropolitan France. It is the main coffee growing region of the country, producing about 74% of the national total.

This coffee is sourced from Helcio Carneiro Pinto and his farm Fazenda Santa Lucia in Carmo de Minas, Minas Gerais. In the '90s, Helcio was one of the founders of APROCAM (The Association of Coffee Producers from the Mantiqueira Region). They are a group of pioneers seeking the help of experts and scientists to learn more about coffee quality and how to produce quality in large-scale. These experts shared their knowledge about the pulped natural processing method and how it would aid them in their goals. As a pioneer in the region, Helcio was one of the first growers to get the facilities needed for this method.

The resulting cup reminds us of milk chocolate, marzipan, and roasted almond.
Minas Gerais is a state in Southeastern Brazil who's total land area is larger than Metropolitan France. It is the main coffee growing region of the country, producing about 74% of the national total.

This coffee is sourced from Helcio Carneiro Pinto and his farm Fazenda Santa Lucia in Carmo de Minas, Minas Gerais. In the '90s, Helcio was one of the founders of APROCAM (The Association of Coffee Producers from the Mantiqueira Region). They are a group of pioneers seeking the help of experts and scientists to learn more about coffee quality and how to produce quality in large-scale. These experts shared their knowledge about the pulped natural processing method and how it would aid them in their goals. As a pioneer in the region, Helcio was one of the first growers to get the facilities needed for this method.

The resulting cup reminds us of milk chocolate, marzipan, and roasted almond.

Coffee origin

Carmo de Minas, MG
yellow catuaí
900 - 1250 m
Fazenda Santa Lúcia
Hélcio Carneiro Pinto
Roast level
pulped natural

Tastes like

milk chocolate
roasted almond

Community reviews


3.4 Very Good

15 Reviews
