Cherry Bomb

Cherry Bomb is exactly what it sounds like; a burst of Cherry Blossom Candy in your face! Cherry Bomb is sourced from Los Angeles in El Salvador, a beautiful Natural process Pacamara that highlights the best of its gorgeous country! Enjoy this black, or over ice for best results!

340 g bag

El Salvador- Los Angeles

Natural Process: Pacamara

Cherry Blossom Candy
Cherry Bomb is exactly what it sounds like; a burst of Cherry Blossom Candy in your face! Cherry Bomb is sourced from Los Angeles in El Salvador, a beautiful Natural process Pacamara that highlights the best of its gorgeous country! Enjoy this black, or over ice for best results!

340 g bag

El Salvador- Los Angeles

Natural Process: Pacamara

Cherry Blossom Candy

Coffee origin

El Salvador
Los Angeles
1550 m

Tastes like

cherry blossom candy
baker's chocolate

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