This darker version of our popular Sunset Sipper was developed for a client of ours that needed a stronger profile for their service. Sunrise Espresso, with its notes of 80% cocoa brownies blended with a crunchy vanilla wafer cookie, will give you the warmth needed in your filter and will be the perfect companion to milk beverages. Our Sunrise Espresso decaf at the moment is from Peru and no matter how you like to prepare your coffee, filter or espresso, it is one of the best Peruvian coffees you will have this year.
This darker version of our popular Sunset Sipper was developed for a client of ours that needed a stronger profile for their service. Sunrise Espresso, with its notes of 80% cocoa brownies blended with a crunchy vanilla wafer cookie, will give you the warmth needed in your filter and will be the perfect companion to milk beverages. Our Sunrise Espresso decaf at the moment is from Peru and no matter how you like to prepare your coffee, filter or espresso, it is one of the best Peruvian coffees you will have this year.
Amazonas, San Martín and Cajamarca
bourbon, catimor, caturra, pache, typica
Multiple producers
Niveau de torréfaction
Très foncée
lavé, décaféiné par procédé "mountain water"